We’re excited to invest in EvenBetter.ai – a SaaS platform that uses advanced AI and market benchmarks to show companies powerful insights and effective actions to close the gender pay gap.
By way of background, when I was building my digital media start-up, I always looked to use the latest technology. My motto for media back then was ‘never play catch-up’. (It probably still rings true today.) And so when Outbrain was launched in Australia, I was an immediate customer. Their first MD in the region was Ayal Steiner. He reached out and we grabbed coffee. That begun a decade long friendship as we followed each other’s career paths. Ayal rang the bell when Outbrain listed and he achieved some amazing things with the business.
Some years ago over a lunch, he mentioned to me that he is passionate about solving the gender pay gap problem. And so when he got the space to work out what to do next, he immediately talked to us about his vision.
As it happened, it coincided with Sorrel looking to get involved in a start-up. I’d been lucky enough to hire her as a graduate back in 2014. She ended up running the company after our exit.
Fortunately the two came together to form EvenBetter.ai and Shearwater Capital is backing them with their first cheque. We look forward to working with them and to see what these two amazing people can build.

EvenBetter is addressing a real market pain felt by many Australian and global businesses as they struggle to translate gender pay gap data into meaningful insights and actions. In backing EvenBetter, we’re backing two outstanding founders that we’ve followed for a number of years.